We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

Clear Filters
  First Name Last Name Chapter Title Email Phone Number
Jase Hamilton San Diego President / Golf Tournament jhamilton@cavignac.com 619-234-6848 Edit
Laurie Taylor, CCIFP San Diego Vice President lauriet@dpr.com 858-795-3252 Edit
Adam Perry San Diego Secretary adamp@gpwcpas.com 619-282-7366 Edit
Mike Brown San Diego Treasurer mikeb@ebacon.com 781-603-3428 Edit
Barbara Thompson San Diego Facilities Director BThompson@prmech.com (858) 974-6500 Edit
Jeremy Nichols, CCIFP, CFE, CPA San Diego Past President jeremy.nichols@mossadams.com 858-627-1411 Edit
Mandy Irvine San Diego Communications Director / Executive Director / Golf Tournament mirvine@hoop5.net 619-259-5549 Edit
Cathe Young San Diego Membership Director / CCIFP Chapter Champion cyoung@soltekpacific.com 619-296-6247 Edit
Andrea Orellana San Diego Continuity Director dre@rrconstruction.com 760-759-2260 Edit
Joshua Caldwell, AFSB San Diego Special Events jcaldwell@hanover.com 760-218-0535 Edit
Valerie McGuire, CCIFP, CPA San Diego Director / Facilities Sponsor vmcguire@prmech.com 858-974-6500 Edit