We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!
First Name | Last Name | Chapter | Title | Phone Number | |||
Jase | Hamilton | San Diego | President / Golf Tournament | jhamilton@cavignac.com | 619-234-6848 | Edit | |
Laurie | Taylor, CCIFP | San Diego | Vice President | lauriet@dpr.com | 858-795-3252 | Edit | |
Adam | Perry | San Diego | Secretary | adamp@gpwcpas.com | 619-282-7366 | Edit | |
Mike | Brown | San Diego | Treasurer | mikeb@ebacon.com | 781-603-3428 | Edit | |
Barbara | Thompson | San Diego | Facilities Director | BThompson@prmech.com | (858) 974-6500 | Edit | |
Jeremy | Nichols, CCIFP, CFE, CPA | San Diego | Past President | jeremy.nichols@mossadams.com | 858-627-1411 | Edit | |
Mandy | Irvine | San Diego | Communications Director / Executive Director / Golf Tournament | mirvine@hoop5.net | 619-259-5549 | Edit | |
Cathe | Young | San Diego | Membership Director / CCIFP Chapter Champion | cyoung@soltekpacific.com | 619-296-6247 | Edit | |
Andrea | Orellana | San Diego | Continuity Director | dre@rrconstruction.com | 760-759-2260 | Edit | |
Joshua | Caldwell, AFSB | San Diego | Special Events | jcaldwell@hanover.com | 760-218-0535 | Edit | |
Valerie | McGuire, CCIFP, CPA | San Diego | Director / Facilities Sponsor | vmcguire@prmech.com | 858-974-6500 | Edit |